Hello, and welcome to my blog! In this blog I hope to share with you thoughts, resources, and other things that you may find useful. Before we get started, a little bit about me...
I am Kristen Hammond, M.S., and owner of Kristen Hammond Counseling, LLC. I hold dual undergraduate degrees in Clinical Psychology and in Theater/Dance, as I truly believe in the value of including the arts in mental health. I completed my master's program in Clinical Counseling with a specialization in Trauma Studies at Chestnut Hill College and wrote my dissertation about how recreational pole dancing can be a beneficial activity for trauma survivors. In May of 2022, I will be completing the Gestalt Training Institute of Philadelphia's (GTIP) 3 year post-graduate program, furthering both my professional and personal development through intense learning and connection. In my work with my clients, I deeply value the connection and relationship between us as therapist and client. We are social creatures, and we heal through connection.

When I am not at work or at my training program, I enjoy dancing, reading, comedy, and spending quality time with my cat, Sweet Potato.

When Sweet Potato is not contentedly enjoying his naps, he loves a good walk outside, rolling in cat nip, and pushing all the bottles in the bathtub.